As the season of Lent was approaching this year, I felt in my spirit that it was time to try to do something a bit different. So I chatted toContinue readingBook Review: And Yet
This song has a prophetic edge to it. Deliberately simple in order to give space for the prophetic to ‘bounce off’ it, or to have the song as a foundationContinue readingWaiting
Sunday Setlist – Waiting
Last week we explored the theme of waiting upon the Lord and enjoying his presence. It was a good service and many were touched. It was made more special byContinue readingSunday Setlist – Waiting
Sermon: Mary of Bethany – Waiting
Here is a video of a sermon I preached a couple of weeks ago. It is the first part of a 3-sermon series about Mary of Bethany and what weContinue readingSermon: Mary of Bethany – Waiting