This song is the last track on the album ‘Fly’.

It is a lament and prayer designed to sing in times of trouble and trial. That despite the hardship and the suffering, we still cry out to God for help and for comfort.

Beautiful in its simplicity and stripped back nature of the recording (which features some lovely violin) helps to emphasise the raw emotion of the song.

Please use it as part of your own devotional time or in a congregational setting in order to help those who are in this place to have a space to express their emotion within the context of a gathering of believers and corporate worship.

You Are There

CCLI Number: 4751027

Sometimes my prayers float in the air
Until they fall and shatter at my feet
I raise my hands up in despair
As the pain eats away my heart

Help me to know that You are there
All of the time and every where
Help me to praise You in the storm
Keep my hope alive, Keep my hope alive

[Keep my faith alive, keep my faith alive]

I am tired of the fight
I have no strength to even raise my eyes
Lord, I fear the attack
The flaming arrows in the night

Matt McChlery
Copyright © 2006 Faithseed Music. Administered by Song Solutions CopyCare, 14 Horsted Square, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1QG, United Kingdom. Used by Permission. Email: Website:

2 thoughts on “You Are There

  1. Claris Tan says:

    Many songs in FLY are very intriguing & uplifting but cannot seem to be purchased online . I’ve bought CDs as gifts but single songs minister directly to people via whatsap etc. CDs are usually filed away and forgotten, I’ve found… & not so popular now. Nowadays we like to access our songs via handphone. To support your ministry, its good to buy mp3 of your songs. It also popularizes each song effectively.
    Problem for you is – each song purchased and downloaded is shared for free. So you dont get to earn properly.

    1. admin says:

      Hi Claris. It is good to hear from you again. As far as I can see I have set up songs to be able to be purchased as MP3s on all major platforms (iTunes, Amazon etc) – maybe there are regional variations to this (which is unfortunate). I know that here in the UK I can also access my songs on streaming platforms such as Spotify, YouTube Music, Deezer etc. Streaming is becoming a lot more popular than CDs and you can share songs directly with friends, post on social media etc – and each time it is streamed I get a small percentage. Thanks for your support. Matt.


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