This song has a prophetic edge to it. Deliberately simple in order to give space for the prophetic to ‘bounce off’ it, or to have the song as a foundation or springboard which acts as a starting point and then gives room for response to the Holy Spirit in real-time.

It is also a heart-cry for more of God’s spirit in our lives. A cry to be filled with more of Jesus. A cry to see the Holy Spirit moving in our lives, in our churches and in our communities.

You are welcome to use this song in your church, home group or whatever context you find yourself in. You can download a free chord chart at the bottom of this page. If you do use it, please remember to report its use to CCLI. Many thanks.


CCLI Number: 4449528

I’m waiting, I’m waiting
I’m not moving from here (repeat)

We’re waiting, we’re waiting
We’re not moving from here (repeat)

Come and visit with Your love
Come and visit with Your power (repeat)

Your mercy over us, Your mercy over us
Your loving kindness over us, Your banner over us

Oh come, Oh come
Oh rushing waters come
Oh holy fire come

Our strength rises up, it rises up
Yes our strength rises up, it rises up
As we wait on You Lord

Matt McChlery
Copyright © 2012 Faithseed Music. Administered by Song Solutions, 14 Horsted Square, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1QG, United Kingdom. Used by Permission.

Author: admin

Speaker, author, songwriter and musician Matt McChlery has a passion for pointing people towards Jesus. Having survived a bout with cancer in 2016, he tries to make every day count. Find our more about Matt McChlery's music and ministry on his website.

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