The Heart of the Matter

This worship song is a personal confession of how we continue to need the saving grace of Jesus every day. Sometimes we get complacent and forget that our salvation does not depend upon us at all, but wholly upon Jesus and his strength, power, love and grace.

If you would like to use this song in your church, please do. You can find a free chord chart below. If you do use it, please remember to report its use to CCLI as this really does help to support my ministry financially and helps me to continue to write and record songs for the Church. Thank you.

The Heart of the Matter

CCLI Number: 5855496

No matter how many years have past
How many seasons come and gone
Oh Lord, I need You still

No matter how may trials won
And all those times I’ve overcome
Oh Lord, I need You still

The heart of the matter
Is that this heart still needs a saviour

Jesus, make this heart Your home
Jesus, come make it like Your own
To love as You love
To do as You do, oh Jesus don’t stop changing me
Don’t stop changing me

Still full of holes and frailty
Can’t escape my humanity
Oh Lord, I need You still

Still made of mortal flesh and bone
I can not live this life alone
Oh Lord, I need You still

Matt McChlery
Copyright © 2010 Faithseed Music. Administered by Song Solutions, 14 Horsted Square, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1QG, United Kingdom. Used by Permission.

Author: admin

Speaker, author, songwriter and musician Matt McChlery has a passion for pointing people towards Jesus. Having survived a bout with cancer in 2016, he tries to make every day count. Find our more about Matt McChlery's music and ministry on his website.

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