Every year I am invited to submit my new songs for consideration for a Christian conference here in the UK called ‘Spring Harvest’. The theme for 2020 is the Holy Spirit, with emphasis on being empowered by Him for evangelism and mission.

So this song was born. It is a great song to sing to encourage and inspire your church to move towards outreach and evangelism, yet reminding them that we all need to rely upon the Holy Spirit in order for the sowing of the seeds of faith to be effective.

You can download a free chord chart at the bottom of this page. Please remember to report any usage in your church’s CCLI report.

We Need You

CCLI Number: 7178334

Shining bright, sparks in the night
Hearts a-flame for You
Reveal Your love, heal broken lives
Your pow’r for all to see

We need you
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit
Fill us up
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit

We Your church, so glorious
Take Your hope into the world
Your holy bride, we give our lives
We will answer Your call

These Your hands, these Your feet
We will go, we will go

Matt McChlery Copyright © 2020 Faithseed Music. Administered by Song Solutions CopyCare, 14 Horsted Square, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1QG, United Kingdom. Used by Permission.

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