Saviour of the World

An in depth look at Jesus’ death on the cross and its significance to Christians. It also celebrates His resurrection from the dead and the victory we can now live in today because of what He has done.

A good song especially at Easter time.

Please feel able to use this song in your church. There is a free chord chart at the bottom of this page for you to download. If you do use it, please remember to report its use to CCLI as this helps to support my ministry financially and enables me to continue to write and record worship songs for the Church. Thank you.

Saviour of the World

CCLI Number: 5855489

You took the weight of the world
Carried it to Calvary
There sin was crucified
With You upon that tree

You triumphed over death
God’s pow’r for all to see
You broke the gates of Hell
And You’re alive for all eternity

You stepped down to save
You stepped down to save
You stepped down to rescue me
You stepped down to save

You are the Saviour of the world
You are the Saviour of my heart
You are the Saviour of the world
The lover of my life

Now I can run the race
No sin can grip to me
Now I can live in grace
In victory I dance free

Nothing else can take the place of
Nothing else can take the place of
Nothing else can take the place of
You! You! You! (x2)

Matt McChlery, Anna Smith, Dave Nurney
Copyright © 2010 Faithseed Music. Administered by Song Solutions, 14 Horsted Square, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1QG, United Kingdom. Used by Permission.

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