There is so much richness in the words of The Lord’s Prayer as it encompasses so much of what it means to live a Christian life.

It is a prayer that Jesus himself taught us to pray. His very words connecting our hearts to the Father’s.

In more liturgical churches this prayer is said often. I used to go to an Anglican school in Zimbabwe when I was a teenager and we said this prayer at every single service – al least 2 or 3 times a week. It was repetitive but after a while it became merely lip-service as my heart become more and more removed and boredom set in.

Now I am in more of an evangelical church there are times when I feel the value of saying something like the Lord’s Prayer can be lost. We hardly ever say  it, either on our own or together with the church.

Inspired by my Mum to help bring The Lord’s Prayer into more contemporary services, I wrote the song ‘Our Father’ as a way of helping us to still articulate and worship by using these powerful words of Jesus.

(Free chord chart below)

Our Father

CCLI Number: 5855472

Our Father
In heaven
Holy is Your Name
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On Earth as it is in heaven
As it is in heaven

For Yours is the kingdom
The power and the glory
Forever and ever

Give us this day
Our daily bread
Forgive our sins
As we forgive
Those who sin
Against us

Lead us not into temptation
Deliver us, deliver us from evil

Matt McChlery
Copyright © 2010 Faithseed Music. Administered by Song Solutions
14 Horsted Square, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1QG, United Kingdom.
Used by Permission.

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