Jesus, Hope for the Nations

This song declares the truth that Jesus is the only hope of salvation for every nation of the earth. It moves from a broad perspective of nations in need of Jesus to a personal realisation of this same need – as well as exploring some of Jesus’ characteristics as saviour and giving praise and glory to Him.

If you like what you hear you are welcome to sing this song in your church, small group, prayer meeting etc. You can find a free chord chart to download at the bottom of this page to help you do this. If you do use the song, please remember to report its use to CCLI. Thank you.

Jesus, Hope for the Nations

CCLI Number: 5109661

Jesus, hope for the nations’
Freedom and liberty
Jesus, Your blood has spoken
Mercy now covers me

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
You’re holy
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
You’re worthy

Jesus, Your name is unchanging
Its power will always remain
Jesus, Your love is unending
You shower it over me

Jesus, my hope and salvation
Your Word still speaks to me
Jesus, my tongue is confessing
That You are Lord of me

Matt McChlery
Copyright © 2005 Faithseed Music. Administered by Song Solutions, 14 Horsted Square, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1QG, United Kingdom. Used by Permission.

Author: admin

Speaker, author, songwriter and musician Matt McChlery has a passion for pointing people towards Jesus. Having survived a bout with cancer in 2016, he tries to make every day count. Find our more about Matt McChlery's music and ministry on his website.

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