This song explored the significance and symbolism of the Holy Communion or Eucharist.
A good song to sing during a Communion service.
You have permission to sing this song in your church. At the bottom of this page you will find a free chords chart to download. However, please remember to ask your church to report use of this song to CCLI as this helps me to continue to write and record songs for the Church. Thank you.
Holy Communion
CCLI Number: 4449432
Your body broken for me
Your blood poured out for me
Now I come with repentant heart
I bow my knee as I take part in
Holy communion, of Your body and Your blood
Holy communion, a celebration of Your love
Holy communion, in remembrance of You
Holy communion, Holy communion
This bread broken for me
This wine poured out for me
Now I think about Your sacrifice
Such love and pain, You paid my price