Great is the Lord

I wrote this song over Zoom during lockdown with my friend Ryan Baker-Barnes. It is based on Psalm 147 and Psalm 47. We wanted to write a song that focussed exclusively on God so deliberately tried to avoid using the ‘us, I and me’ pronouns. We are really pleased with the result and believe this song would fit well in any modern contemporary worship setting.

Great is the Lord

CCLI# 7178332

Great is the Lord
Mighty in power
Seated on the throne of grace
He is king of all the earth
Great is the Lord

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord
We give glory to His name
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord
Every voice will sing His praise

Great is the Lord
Faithful and kind
Lifts the fallen to their feet
Crowns our lives with liberty
Great is the Lord

There is no one like
There is no one like
There is no one like You God
Let the heavens shout
Every voice cry out
There is no one like You

Matt McChlery, Ryan Baker-Barnes
Copyright © 2020 Faithseed Music (Admin by Song Solutions CopyCare, 14 Horsted Square, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1QG, United Kingdom) & Ryan Baker-Barnes (Admin by Bespoke Records). Used by Permission.

Author: admin

Speaker, author, songwriter and musician Matt McChlery has a passion for pointing people towards Jesus. Having survived a bout with cancer in 2016, he tries to make every day count. Find our more about Matt McChlery's music and ministry on his website.

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