‘Amazing’ carries justice and mercy as it’s heart beat that serves as a reflection of God’s amazing character.

In this song I have tried to capture the qualities of God that display His awesome might and supreme power which is used to defend the orphan and the widow. We as his children need to love what He loves and hate what He hates. So we need to stand up for the oppressed as we stand upon his strength and authority.

If you would like to use this song at your church, please do. You can find a free chord chart at the bottom of this page. Please remember to report its use to CCLI as this helps me to continue to write and record songs for the church. I would also love to hear from you if you have used it at your church – so leave a comment below. Thank you.


CCLI Number: 6579726

Justice and mercy are Your song
Freeing the unforgiven ones
You bring Your light
into the world

Standing for truth, valiant and strong
You are the rock that we cling on
You bring Your light
into the world

You are amazing, beginning and the end
You are creator, mighty saviour king
You are eternal, in holy fear we bow
Awesome in majesty, veiled in mystery
The most high God

Matt McChlery
Copyright © 2012 Faithseed Music. Administered by Song Solutions CopyCare, 14 Horsted Square, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1QG, United Kingdom. Used by Permission. Email: info@songsolutions.org Website: www.songsolutions.org

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