Sunday Setlist – In Times of Trouble

On Sunday I was leading the time of singing at church, which means I also get to choose the set-list!

The sermon was based on the Psalms and focused around the theme of having the freedom to express our emotions to God in times of trouble, seeking his face in the midst of the storm and then turning to praise despite the troubles.

So I tried to pick songs that would help to reflect and give voice to these ideas and themes as a way of facilitating and leading a response.

The Setlist

I started with a response in times of trouble – running to God as our tower, our strength and our place of protection.

Then I felt that we needed to declare who we are in Christ – knowing our identity in Him will help no-end when faced with trouble.

Then we moved to declaring victory over fear and proclaiming how great God is – turning to praise whilst in the midst of the storm.

We ran out of time to sing the final song, but the phrase in the bridge ‘what the enemy meant for evil, you’re turning for our good and for Your glory’ helps to keep us focused on God and his goodness in times of trouble, so I kept it on the list to share with you all.

What did you sing on Sunday?

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