
As my ‘Daily Encouragements’ have been happening for a couple of months now – all through lockdown -I thought I would share some of what God has been doing through this daily ministry. I asked viewers to send in and testimonies of what God had done through the ‘Daily Encouragement’ videos on YouTube and Facebook Live over the past few months. Here is what some have said…

Maggie says…

Two things from the teaching particularly encouraged me. From Daniel that God doesn’t always remove the fire and suffering but He is with us in them. Also from 1 Thessalonians that one day Jesus is coming back again to the earth and He will bring justice and peace.

A testimony is that for weeks at the beginning of the lock down I had a very painful left arm. One day you prayed for healing for somebody else and Richard and I laid hands on my arm and asked God to use your prayer for me to be healed and the arm almost immediately started to feel better and soon had no pain at all.

So thank you very much for all your encouragement during this difficult time.

Lorraine says…

The word you have shared has been so relevant either to the situation now or something I’ve been thinking about or going through.  Your explanations so helpful.

Prayer for knee which particularly painful one morning stopped hurting.

When we prayed for my daughter before her hospital visit she had the best day she’d had in ages in so many ways. Certainly your encouragement to me has been uplifting.

I’ve really enjoyed every morning good to focus on what God has to say. So a big thank you I’m going to miss it if and when you may stop! 

Prayer answered for Jacqui…

On Saturday Jacqui asked for prayer as her washing machine had packed up. Now not only is this worrying and frustrating during lockdown and many shops still remaining closed, Jacqui also has mobility issues and lives alone.

So we prayed, knowing that Jesus cares about our everyday practical needs. We simply asked for Jesus to help in the situation and to fix the washing machine so that it would work again, and to give Jacqui peace in the situation.

The next day, she shared at church online that after a while after we prayed, she had discovered that one of the electrical switches had tripped because of her mobile phone charger, and this had meant that the washing machine did not work. With the switch back in place, the washing machine is back in action. Praise God.

Send in your Testimonies

I love to encourage you by sharing how Jesus is at work within our lives. If you have a testimony to share of how Jesus has been at work in your life, please do email me.

You can continue to watch my ‘Daily Encouragement’ live streams 6-days a week (Monday – Saturday) at 9am on my Matt McChlery Ministires page on Facebook.

Author: admin

Speaker, author, songwriter and musician Matt McChlery has a passion for pointing people towards Jesus. Having survived a bout with cancer in 2016, he tries to make every day count. Find our more about Matt McChlery's music and ministry on his website.

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