A while ago, in my workplace someone brought in a flyer advertising a clairvoyant evening in a village near by. Conversation in the staff room soon turned to mediums and clairvoyants. I was amazed by how many people had visited one or received a ‘reading’ . They were all enthusiastic and being quite evangelical about going to this event. This got me thinking . . .
As a Christian I know clairvoyants and mediums to be a counterfeit of the genuine God-breathed prophetic gift. I also want to say at this point that I believe visiting meduims and clairvoyants is very dangerous and a Bible-believeing Christain should not dabble in occultic practises. If you think about it, why would a Christian who has access to the source of all truth and light, God himself, want to dabble in things they know will lead to destruction?
In church recently and in the music group, as well as at Worship Academy, the subject of the prophetic has been coming up a lot. This has re-awakened within me a desire to persue the prophetic and how it can operate through our times of worship and song – a desire that has lied dormant for some years now.
After seeing the obvious hunger for prophetic insight into their lives by my work colleagues, although they are looking for it in the wrong place, it has caused me to seek God more earnestly for prophetic words. Not just for Christians in church on a Sunday, but I believe even more importantly for the non-believer in the supermarket, my work colleagues, the people whom I interact with throughout the day. If I can speak a word in season into their lives, what an open door will be created for me to talk about the One who has given the word to me! I believe doors will open and opportunities will be unlocked if only I/we speak prophetically into all those around us. The un-believer needs to see a church that has got, and is not afraid to use, supernatural power! They are so desperate for the supernatural – the church has got to be the one to show it to them, otherwise they will look elsewhere!
[bctt tweet=”The un-believer needs to see a church that has got, and is not afraid to use, supernatural power! They are so desperate for the supernatural – the church has got to be the one to show it to them, otherwise they will look elsewhere! #prophecy #church #supernatural #clairvoyant #medium” username=”mattmcchlery”]
Oh God of the supernatural, all powerful, all knowing, all loving God. Give me prophetic words that will help people see that you are real, that you are alive, that you are wanting to be involved in their lives. That you are stronger than the darnkess, that you are more powerful than the Evil one! Release the prophetic I pray!