Writing Songs in Church

On Sunday I was leading the all age Celebration service at church. We try to make these gatherings interactive so I invited the congregation to help me write a worship song about the theme: The Kingdom of God in History.

i brought some ideas, which included a melody and a structure a chorus and a bridge. The congregation helped to write the lines of the first two verses that are not repeated as well as the final line of the chorus.

We then sung the song together that we had just written accompanied by exuberant congregational percussion.

Since then I have taken the song away and continued to work on it and refine it. This saw the addition of some of the lyrics in the bridge, based on some ideas suggested during the group feedback as well as a third verse.

What resulted is the song I am singing in the video above. If you were at the Celebration Service on Sunday, thanks for your help – it was fun!

If people like it, I will register it with CCLI and make the chord chart available for your to use and sing the song in your churches too – just let me know.

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