Harvest Network & More Than a Coffee

Last weekend was pretty busy.

On Friday night I went down to St Neots to catch the start of the Harvest Network conference hosted by Rob and Gill McFarlane with Keir Taylor.

This was a great evening where I got to meet lots of new people as well as being impacted by an inspiring talk about evangelism and healing.

I headed home to get ready for Saturday where I was ministering at our church’s Messy Church. This month’s theme focussed on healing, so it was no coincidence I had heard teaching on the same theme the night before. This went well.

On Sunday I led worship at my local church, The King’s Church in Wisbech and then heard headed down to Huntingdon for More than a Coffee. I have had the privelidge of watching this ministry grow from a once a month outreach to now including mud week bible studies, conferences and a monthly Sunday evening worship service held in Costa Coffee on Huntingdon’s High Street.

Here I led worship and was glad to see a young man of just 8 years old give his life to Jesus.

A busy weekend, but we’ll worth it!

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