Wow a lot has happened in a month. There has been such a shift throughout the whole world. Even during the lock-down, I have seen my ministry increase. Here is a quick update for you.
Church Online
For several weeks I have been very busy organising, strategising and planning to move our Sunday church services online as well as our monthly all-age Messy Church. The move had mostly gone well and has been well received.
I am constantly tweaking things to try to help improve things, and this includes short, medium and long term planning as well as learning new skills. So there will be further movement forwards and improvements as we move forward from here.
This has taken most of my time during the past few weeks, and I must admit that through April my website has suffered somewhat. However, I am now back on the ball and am planning daily updates here too – so do keep tuned and coming back form more to check out what’s new.
Spring Harvest & The Prophets Speak
During the month of April and the start of May I have been blessed enormously by attending some free online church events. The first was Spring Harvest Home. I have been to Spring Harvest a few times in the past. This was a different experience, but I can honestly say that the teaching was super-powerful this year, made all the more so because I believe it carried a prophetic anointing in that it came at exactly the right time – just as the Coronavirus lock-down began. This year’s event started to be planned 2 years ago without any knowledge of the virus and the situation we would be in when it hit. The words were spot on, calling the church to action, to being filled and moved OUT by the power of the Holy Spirit once again. The book ‘Unleashed’ by Gavin and Anne Calver, I can say is extremely powerful and inspiring. The Holy Spirit is certainly up to something in this time. He is preparing us in this season of waiting for a powerful move in the next season – we just need to be ready to move with him.
At the start of March, Jarrod Cooper put together a free 2 week event of evening sessions where he spoke to various recognised prophetic voices from around the world called ‘The Prophets Speak’. It was very interesting hearing much of what different people were sensing God was saying and doing at this time lined up so well with each other as well as with what I have been believing I was hearing from God too.
We are currently in a season of waiting and preparation, because God needs us ready and filled with his Holy Spirit for the next season. In the next season God is going to move powerfully. We need to be ready for this.
Books & Music
I have also pushed forward with the publication of the second edition of my book ‘Songcraft: Exploring the Art of Christian Songwriting’. I am currently awaiting a proof copy to double check that everything is as it should be. Then depending upon that a release date for the publishing of the book will be announced. Please do keep your eyes and ears open for that.
I continue to take part in the RESOUNDworship 12 Song Challenge. I have managed to write a song every month. I haven’t started April’s song yet, so hopefully I will get something done before the month ends. This has been a good discipline and has also meant that I have quite a stock of new songs to put on the website to be used by others as well as songs good enough to be recorded professionally to make a 5-track EP. The chosen songs are currently being worked on, although I have had to delay the crowdfunding campaign to pay for it due to the outbreak and lock-down. However, I will be fundraising through a crowdfunder in the coming months – your support in this venture will be vital. In fact without support the project will just cease to exist. So please start to prayerfully consider now how you may be able to help by pre-ordering a CD when the time comes.
Daily Encouragement Videos & Peterhouse CF
At the start of the Lock-down I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to start to daily live stream to encourage people during this time. It first started on YouTube but I now also run the same devotional again on Facebook Live. It has been well received and has reached the four corners of the globe, however live viewing numbers are not that large. Videos do get viewed quite a few times as a recording after the live session has ended.
We have prayed for a number of things live on the stream and have had reports of healings as well as things such as fear being removed, bad dreams going away etc.
I have also just recorded a series of short 90 second videos for my old High School in Zimbabwe. Their Christian Fellowship are publishing a 90 second devotional / word of encouragement on their Instagram channel while the lock-down happens in Zimbabwe. I have been invited to contribute, so I pray that what the Lord has given to me, he can use even on the other side of the world to bring peace, to stir faith and encourage hope.