Messy Belonging

On Saturday we held the first Messy Church of 2019. It was also our Messy Church’s 4th Birthday, as we first began in January 2015!

We explored the Bible story in Luke 2:39-52 where Jesus was a 12 year old boy and went missing. He was found in the temple talking with the religious leaders. He was surprised his parents were worried about him because shouldn’t it be obvious that he would be in ‘his father’s house’?

This led on to thinking about where we belong – as part of a family, relationships between friends etc. But this can be further extended if we want it to. 

We hope that everyone feels welcome and that they belong in our Messy Church. Here you can belong before you believe!

We hope that you will learn more about Jesus and will want to start a relationship with him. When you do, you also belong to God’s family as you are ‘adopted’ as a child of God. You then have lots of brothers and sisters – everyone else who is a Christian and has also therefore been ‘adopted’ into God’s family too.

Our next Messy Church is on Saturday 9th February, 3:30pm-5:30pm at the Queen Mary Centre. It is free and open to all. We hope to see you there.

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