Those of you who know me will know that I am quite a creative person and I have various outlets for my creativity. This includes songwriting and singing (I alsoContinue readingShaking off the Dust of Rejection
Shifting Towards Healthy Church
One of the roles I have within my church is to create systems that will help the church to function better. One of these areas is church growth. The growthContinue readingShifting Towards Healthy Church
Reader’s Testimony
At the end of my book ‘All Things New: Stories of Transformed Lives’ I invite readers to contact me to share their personal testimony with me and perhaps anyone elseContinue readingReader’s Testimony
If I was a Stradivarius Violin
Ashmolean Museum Last week I took a day trip to Oxford with my family. Part of our time there was spent in the Ashmolean Museum. It is packed full ofContinue readingIf I was a Stradivarius Violin
Non-Christians are Desperate for the Prophetic!
A while ago, in my workplace someone brought in a flyer advertising a clairvoyant evening in a village near by. Conversation in the staff room soon turned to mediums andContinue readingNon-Christians are Desperate for the Prophetic!
Fear Fighting
An interesting discussion I had the the other day led to a consolidation of thoughts about fear and how we as Christians should be fighting and overcoming it. In factContinue readingFear Fighting
Christmas Lists
Another List Around this time of year life gets very busy, and the number of lists I write increases: shopping lists to-do lists a wish list (for Christmas presents) Santa’sContinue readingChristmas Lists
The Gift of Receiving
Giving is Better than Receiving At this time of year we have fun going shopping to choose the perfect gift for someone. Wrapping it up in festive paper and puttingContinue readingThe Gift of Receiving
A Bucket Full of Christmas
Chicken and Car Washes Today I took our car to get a much needed wash and inside valet. It was pretty bad so I had no problem paying someone elseContinue readingA Bucket Full of Christmas
Christmas Sparkle
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas The shops are playing Christmas music. Trees decorated; tinsel sparking. Everywhere I go there is a faint jingling of bells, the waftContinue readingChristmas Sparkle