Here in the UK churches are now permitted to gather together for worship in-person. But this is only possible if certain rules and guidelines are followed to help keep everyoneContinue reading5 Ways to Worship Together Without Singing
Best of British Playlists
I have embarked upon a new project – curating the Best of British Playlists that can be found on Spotify. For a while there has been much debate and lamentContinue readingBest of British Playlists
Christmas Song Recorded
I have just completed recording a new Christmas worship song called ‘Have You Heard’ that is due for release in November 2020. For the first time I have a featuredContinue readingChristmas Song Recorded
Book Reviews (1st Half of 2020)
Six months have passed since 2020 began, and what a year it has been! My reading choices have partly been influenced by what has been going on in my lifeContinue readingBook Reviews (1st Half of 2020)
Word on the Wash Highlights
This is a video of some of the highlights from Word on the Wash last year. I was pleased to be part of this wonderful event. Sadly Word on theContinue readingWord on the Wash Highlights
As my ‘Daily Encouragements’ have been happening for a couple of months now – all through lockdown -I thought I would share some of what God has been doing through thisContinue readingTestimonies…
Ministry Update – May 2020
Wow a lot has happened in a month. There has been such a shift throughout the whole world. Even during the lock-down, I have seen my ministry increase. Here isContinue readingMinistry Update – May 2020
The Blessing
The Blessing is a song that is sweeping across the UK and the world right now. It carries a special anointing for this season we are in, reminding us thatContinue readingThe Blessing
Seasons of the Spirit
It is important to know the seasons of the spirit so that we can align ourselves to God’s purposes and will. … Continue readingSeasons of the Spirit
The Great Enemy of Writing
It was american author, Joyce Carol Oates speaking about writing. In the opening statement of the video, which is advertising a Masterclass that she has done, she says, “The great enemy of writing isn’t your own lack of talent, it’s being interrupted by other people.” … Continue readingThe Great Enemy of Writing