One of the jobs I have whilst working for my local church is to create and implement systems to help the church function, maintain its health and grow. This includesContinue readingBuilding Church
Small is Beautiful – Guest post on BarnabasME
Here is a guest post I was asked to write. It is always an honour to be invited to contribute towards the vision of others – especially when it linesContinue readingSmall is Beautiful – Guest post on BarnabasME
How to Engage Your Congregation in Worship
Here are a few quick ideas to help engage your congregation in worship. There are a few blog posts doing the rounds at the moment that focus on a problemContinue readingHow to Engage Your Congregation in Worship
Clone Wars: The Courage to Sound Different
Are you afraid that your church will sound different to others? Are the songs you singing following global patterns or the heart-beat of God for your community? Here are someContinue readingClone Wars: The Courage to Sound Different
Rediscovering Silence in Worship
The March/April 2012 edition of Worship Leader magazine highlighted the often overlooked element of silence in our worship. This has been challenging for me as a worship leader in myContinue readingRediscovering Silence in Worship
Master Song List Review
Recently I spent half a day with a fellow worship leader going through all the church songs in our folders. It is helpful having a list of ‘go to’ songsContinue readingMaster Song List Review
The Key to Christian Leadership Success
Learning Leadership When it comes to learning about leadership, I get quite excited. Not only because it is something I see God clearly moving me towards an ever deeper expressionContinue readingThe Key to Christian Leadership Success
Fitting it Together
I have recently been on holiday to France. I am not one who usually likes making puzzles but on this occasion I joined in. It got me thinking about howContinue readingFitting it Together
Leading Well Behind The Scenes
Leadership and church systems are an important part of your ministry. A Well-Oiled Machine? You may have heard the saying sometimes used to describe successful businesses and churches as aContinue readingLeading Well Behind The Scenes